Sunday, 22 February 2015

22 Feb - To Varkala

Thiruvananthapurum to Varkala
Daily Run 50km    Total  50km

I t was good to get going at last and the temperature at 6am was perfect. There were Christian churches everywhere and the early morning mass had started, each well attended by crowds who stood outside listening to the sermon. The hymns were pleasantly musical, more like folk music and the whole effect in the half-dawn light was quite surreal.

It's Sunday 6am mass. These are Syrian Christians who fled to Kerala in .......umm....check Wikipedia. I was amazed by the number and excellent condition of the buildings. Many are beach-front and everyone sits outside listening to the service.
A nervous young bride waitng for transport. Gallant as ever, I offered her a crossbar.

Chawalla prepares my third cup of tea

The old and the new. Actually, they still still sell these models, this make is a Hercules. Remember brake rods and cotter pins? You can buy a brand new one for 75 pounds. I considered using one for this trip but you have to push them up hills and the brakes don't stop them going down hills. Alright around here though.

Waiting at one of many level crossings today. It is the very busy west coast line that I criss-crossed, I might  be travelling in one of these later on.

My kind of beach, deserted as far as the eye can see in both directions. Water is like a warm bath : )
I was cycling along, beautiful scenery, everyone out in their Sunday best.... but I was just too fatigued to enjoy it. I felt ill. My cheeks had gone numb which was a bit worrying. Eventually I realised that my face had been stuck in rictus-like forced smile for so long in response to all these happy,smiling, waving people that my cheek muscles had given up. At 10:30 in the morning I decided to stop in the tourist town of Varkala where there were lots of hotels to choose from.
I did some washing, a little shopping....plug adaptor......India still has the old UK style round pin plugs, had a western food lunch and took an afternoon nap under my ceiling fan. Boy, it gets hot in the afternoon! Mid 30's. Mozzies and sandflies to contend with too, both equally ravenous.

Later I decide to stay here another day.

Another church of the St Thomas Christians who trace their origins to the evangelistic activity of Saint Thomas in the 1st century thus making it one of the oldest Christian communities of the world (Wikipedia)

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